Quick-drying flexible liquid membrane for waterproofing internal surfaces.
Mapei Mapegum WPS
Consistency: paste.
Density of the mix: 1.45 g/cm³.
pH: 9.
Dry solids content: 73%.
Storage: 24 months.
Minimum filming temperature: +5°C.
Application temperature range: from +5°C to +35°C.
Time for complete drying of a 2 mm thick layer: 5 hours at +23°C.
Time for complete drying of a 2 mm thick layer: 12 hours at +5°C.
Waiting time before laying coating: 12-24 hours.
EMICODE: EC1 Plus - very low emission.
Consumption: 1.5 kg/m² per mm of thickness.
Packaging: 20 kg drums.